Reasons to Buy Safer…

Hummm – fact or fiction?  A bit of research will show you that it is true of some chemicals, just not all.

But this is truth – using national name brand cleaning products just one time a week is doing as much lung damage as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day!

Read the details of the 20-year study that followed 6200 people leading researchers to these findings:

Choices Matter!

Children’s Nutrition and Health

Today’s children are overfed and undernourished. Children, for the most part, do not eat well. They commonly choose foods that are high in fats, sugars, and salt that have little, real nutritional value. The top choices among kids are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, French fries, pancakes, pizza, cookies and ice cream. I think you will agree that this does not sound like an optimal menu for growing children and it’s not hard to understand are not conducive to good health.

This creates a domino effect that results in 97% of children suffering from some form of malnutrition. One in three children ages 2 to 19 is obese or overweight. Triple the rate of just a generation ago. Many suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes in children has increased by 21% in the last 10 years caused by poor nutrition and 3 of 4 children not getting 60 minutes of exercise each day. The result? Childhood obesity health costs are $14 billion a year.

The article below will further explain some guidelines and strategies for assuring that your child is well fed and healthy. Supplementation can replace some of the vitamins and minerals missing in your children’s and grandchildren’s diets. Make sure to choose supplements that are safe and effective. I have!

Child with an apple. Selective focus. Garden Food

Choices Matter!

Beware – Your Home May be Dangerous to Your Health

That title above and picture is from my friend’s blog at where we are again reminded of the importance of choosing healthier products for use in our home!  Be reminded…

“For years we have been buying the same household cleaners from the same big-name brands. They are literally a part of our lives.

But, did you know that these familiar names are not selling products with our best interests in mind? Yes, sadly, it’s true. Now this is not to disparage the effectiveness of these products in cleaning and producing results, but – and that’s a big BUT, these same effective cleaning products are not always safe for people. Some of them contain downright dangerous toxic chemicals to which no one, not even our pets, should be exposed.

According to Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., “Many common household chemicals are dangerous. They may be reasonably safe when used as directed, yet contain toxic chemicals or degrade over time into a more dangerous chemical.” It’s enough when we must confront known harmful chemicals, but to find that they can degrade into even more dangerous forms is downright scary.”

Click HERE to read more and look at some examples…

Choices Matter!

“A clean home. Who needs it?”

That was the title of a blog post I recently read that blends well with the soap box I stay on: You need to chose safer cleaning (and personal care) products for your home.

The post talked about the new, independent study that concluded  cleaning your home as little as once a week with national brand cleaners was as dangerous for your lungs as smoking a pack a day for twenty years!

If adult lungs suffer when we breathe in the dangerous chemicals of national brand cleaning products, what about the developing lungs of children?

Yes, it’s just what you suspected: toxic chemicals are extremely dangerous for your children.

You can begin to learn what you need to know about how the name brand cleaners are affecting children’s lungs HERE.

Below is a picture of my oldest granddaughter holding my youngest grandchild while doing her chores.  This should not happen in a home that uses the national brand cleaners  on the store shelf according to a zillion studies, but now according to a well recognized,  honest 20 year old study following 6200 people for 20 years.  Makes me grateful this house is committed to safer home care and personal care products.

Choices matter!

“Did You Hear About the Independent Lung Study Published in February?”

That is a question an acquaintance I work with has been asking every chance she gets because it is about serious, need-to-know information!

A 20 year study of 6,235 participants, with the results analyzed by 28 researchers from nine countries and published by The American Thoracic Society proves that using national brand cleaners just once a week is as damaging to the lung capacity as smoking a pack of cigarettes every single day. 

Let that sink in.  That is important to just about every household in the country.

This is not the first time I have addressed this topic in the last 26 years, but more people need to know that honest, authentic studies have been completed.  In an article from Dr. Josh Axe, he comments:

  • In 2018, Norwegian researchers released a first-of-its-kind study linking long-term exposure to cleaning products to significant lung damage.
  • Cleaning the home as little as just once a week triggered lung decline.
  • People who cleaned more regularly (such as people who clean for a living) experienced lung damage on par with smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 10 to 20 years.
  • The damage was measured by declining levels of exhalation breath and a weaker one-second expulsion of air from the lungs.
  • The damage is believed to occur to the immune system, to the actual airway tract and due to chronic, low-level inflammation triggered by the cleaning products.
  • Dozens of other studies link common home cleaning products to asthma, immune system dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, cancer and other ills.

Dr. Axe has a lot more convincing information and details – Please take the time to read it HERE.

Choices Matter!

Maintaining Your Personal Energy

No matter who you are or what you do; your energy levels (and motivation) will hit flat spots. This article below from “Whole Life Challenge” will give you some insight and tips on dealing with these energy flat spots and reenergize yourself when they “rear” their ugly heads.

The energy we refer to is not just physical. It is a combination of physical, mental, emotional and professional phenomena. Physically the signs can be fairly obvious; fatigue, headaches, slowing of reflexes and even blurred vision. Mentally and emotionally, it can produce moodiness, irritability, and lack of focus and concentration.
All in all, these symptoms can dramatically affect your personal and professional lives. It can even make you more susceptible to illness and disease. It is easy to see why guarding against these energy “valleys” is to your advantage. But, how do you do it?

Physically: Eat well, move well, and sleep well. Manage your ultradyne rhythms (our energy cycle repeats every 90-120 minutes). Take regular breaks, a 5-minute walk; stretching, and deep breathing can all help. Avoid distractions; believe it or not, multitasking is a myth. It is not efficient or productive.

Emotional and mental levels can be restored, by feeding your mind. Stop negative self-talk. Be conscious and aware of the things that drain you. Make a list of the things that uplift you and do them often. There are people who drain your energy, avoid them and connect with the ones that make you feel happy. Finally, set some time aside to decompress.

Professionally, manage the physical mental, and emotional challenges you face daily and it will manifest solutions to your professional energy problems. My company has a coaching construct, which allows me to turn to others whom I respect for advice and support. But remember, these flat spots are, for the most part, temporary so do not let them defeat you. Victory is around the corner.

Young fit woman practicing yoga on the beach at sunrise for healthy lifestyle


The Truth About Dryer Sheets by Dr. Josh Axe

Dryer sheets are part of the laundry routine for millions of people. Most of us don’t think twice about tossing a sheet or two into the dryer — it’s just part of the clean clothes process. And while pulling a warm, fresh load of scented laundry out of the dryer may make you feel warm and fuzzy, there’s likely something not-so-good happening inside of your body.

What if I told you those dryer sheets are caked with ingredients you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. And those “blossoms and flowers” depicted on the dryer sheet box? Don’t buy it. Dryer sheets are really a toxic ripoff. That means you’re paying more for a product that could actually be making you sick.”

Dr. Axe’s Final Thoughts on Dryer Sheets

  • Dryer sheets are among the worst offenders for harboring chemicals linked to hormone disruption and asthma.
  • More than 12 percent of the U.S. population reported negative health symptoms associated with dryer vent emissions.
  • Many dryer sheets contain chemicals that react with the air to create formaldehyde, a probable human carcinogen.
  • Other common dryer sheet pollutants include acetaldehyde and benzene, things also found in vehicle exhaust that are not considered safe at any level.
  • To reduce your exposure to dryer sheet chemicals, you can reduce static cling naturally by adding a quarter cup of white vinegar to your washer’s rinse cycle. You can also use wool dryer balls or hang dry your clothing.

Read the entire educating article HERE.

You will find some safer alternatives in the article as well.  My safer alternative is buying from a company that makes toxin free dryer sheets or liquid softener with plant-based ingredients, no harsh chemicals…and they do not coat your fabrics… or your machine!  Much safer all the way around.

Choices Matter!

Plastic Free July!

“If you’ve never heard of Plastic-Free July until right this second, I’m pleased to let you know that it’s exactly what it sounds like.”  – Gyan Yankovich,

Gyan Yankovich has written an article filled with many ideas of how you can easily do your part in taking care of our beautiful earth.   –> 39 Simple And Doable Ways To Use A Lot Less Plastic This July

Advantage of Clean Floors

It goes without saying that clean floors make your home LOOK better, so that is a key reason why you clean your floors. Surprisingly, another big reason is to prevent injuries from tripping or slipping.

Here us a posting from “Wikipedia” to inform you of some others as well as best practices in floor-cleaning and the care of a variety of surfaces including wood, tile, carpet, and vinyl.

Returning to reasons, aside from beautifying your floors, the correct methods can remove stains, as well as surface dirt. Proper cleaning actually increases the life of your floors. Cleaning your floors the right way can kill allergens that can cause or exacerbate diseases like asthma.

Regular maintenance can help you avoid expensive professional cleaning or machine rentals or purchases. Household budgets are sensitive these days, so avoiding these expenses can obviously help.

My online wellness shopping club has recently developed a complete system for cleaning, dusting and polishing your floors easily and efficiently – that has outstanding performance and uses nontoxic products to do that. Not all floor tools are created equal, I have found out.   It has motivated me to pay more attention to having clean floors.

Another advantage of proper cleaning is that cleaning your floors can burn 200 calories and the results will help you feel psychologically better. So, get to work. Your home will look good and you will feel good.

Choices Matter!

The Study That Links Lung Damage to Cleaning Products Sold in Grocery Stores

“A new, independent study based on 20 years of research reveals a sobering fact: Cleaning your home with national brand cleaners significantly damages lung tissue. Almost all the cleaning products that you buy at the grocery store are made with a multitude of harmful chemicals. According to the study, some of the likely culprits are ammonia, chlorine bleach, and quaternary disinfectant compounds. The study also showed that cleaning with products that contain dangerous chemicals as little as once per week was as damaging over time to respiratory health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years!”

Here is a summary of the results:

Finding 1: Using national brand cleaners as little as once per week is as damaging to lung health as smoking 20 cigarettes per day.


Finding 2: Women are affected far more than men.


Finding 3: Cleaning at home is just as, if not more harmful, than being an occupational cleaner.


Finding 4: Liquid cleaners are just as dangerous as sprays.


Finding 5: Dangerous chemical ingredients including ammonia, chlorine bleach, and quaternary disinfecting compounds appear to be primary culprits.


Finding 6: Women who regularly use cleaning products have increased rates of asthma.


Finding 7: Damage is cumulative over time.


You will find the discussion of these seven points and how the study with over 6200 people was done HERE. This LINK has media reports and the actual study for review.