That title above and picture is from my friend’s blog at where we are again reminded of the importance of choosing healthier products for use in our home! Be reminded…
“For years we have been buying the same household cleaners from the same big-name brands. They are literally a part of our lives.
But, did you know that these familiar names are not selling products with our best interests in mind? Yes, sadly, it’s true. Now this is not to disparage the effectiveness of these products in cleaning and producing results, but – and that’s a big BUT, these same effective cleaning products are not always safe for people. Some of them contain downright dangerous toxic chemicals to which no one, not even our pets, should be exposed.
According to Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., “Many common household chemicals are dangerous. They may be reasonably safe when used as directed, yet contain toxic chemicals or degrade over time into a more dangerous chemical.” It’s enough when we must confront known harmful chemicals, but to find that they can degrade into even more dangerous forms is downright scary.”
Click HERE to read more and look at some examples…