Joy Boudreau's Blog

May 22, 2014

Sinus challenges!

During a six week period the spring of 2013, if you would have asked me what was wrong with me, I would have told you that I had Strep Throat and Bronchitis. Three doctors disagreed and said it was pollen allergies. My GP said that he has had several northerners move to Memphis Metro and evenly […]

WWW.MERCOLA.COM is always included in my homework when researching a health issue on the web.  Even if I do not agree with everything I read there, I can depend on learning the latest thoughts about an issue and see other sides of it, as well. The website is fair and a wonderful resource for learning […]

Huh? Those words came from one of my teenage sons – the one with the great imagination – in the bedroom down the hall one cold, winter night in January of 1992. He quickly explained that when he got in bed at night, he could feel little pricks down his backside – probably as he curled […]

November 11, 2013

Avoiding GMOs

Have you been hearing the buzz about avoiding GMOs in your foods? To quote the Non-GMO project site: “Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In more than 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on […]

November 10, 2013

Berkey Water Filters

How many of us are concerned about the quality of water we drink? I think it’s safe to say most of us are. However, many do not have an accurate understanding of how to secure truly, healthy water. We all know that tap water probably isn’t the best option. If you’d like to read more […]

Most people are aware of the dangers of outdoor air pollution, but did you know that indoor air quality can be even worse? Indoor air pollution is typically two-to-five times worse than the air outdoors. And since 90% of our time is spent indoors, indoor air quality is one of the EPA’s top five environmental […]

New Research confirms: Everyone Should Take a Multivitamin-Mineral Two-thirds of U.S. adults do not take a multivitamin-mineral.  Why not?  Many simply don’t think multivitamin minerals work well enough to make a difference.  But new research suggests that multivitamin-minerals are highly effective-and can have an impact on our ongoing health and well-being. – What does the […]

This is appeared soon after I shared the benefits of supplementing your diet with    Omega-3 supplements.  As in many such scares, there are flaws in the study. At you will find: Absurd Study Claims Omega-3 Fats Raise Prostate Cancer Risk          At Monte Kline’s […]

Here is a summary I read of one school of thought: Kids have more taste buds than adults. That can make strong foods like broccoli less enjoyable for children. You’re not eating your veggies. And maybe a lot of other things, too – kids take their cues from parents. They are exercising their agency. Since they don’t have […]

Benefits for Every Stage of Life According to nutritional scientist Bruce Holub of the University of Guelph in Ontario and executive director of their DHA/EPA Omega-3 Institute: “There’s very strong, medical-nutrition, literature-based evidence in humans suggesting that the average American would probably have a healthier life, a lower risk of dying from heart disease, and […]

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