Tag: natural solutions

January 16, 2018

Contamination in Cosmetics

We all know that we have to take care with what we put IN our bodies. It is not as evident that we must take care of what we put ON our bodies, as well. Recently, news came to light about asbestos discovered in cosmetic products at Claire’s stores. They were quickly removed from the […]

December 16, 2017

Is is a cold or the flu?

‘Tis the season for runny noses, itchy eyes, fever, and headaches. You have the flu…or is it a cold? It can be confusing. The bulletin linked below from Prevention Magazine can help you differentiate. The flu hits you quickly and dramatically. You will often run a fever above 101F; it is accompanied by body aches […]

October 31, 2017


Usually, at about the age of 50, we experience some significant changes in the character of our skin. Bruising occurs, usually on our hands and forearms, but many times on our feet, ankles and our calves. Our face and neck begin to lose volume as well. It is called aging. There are some things you […]

Natural tea tree essential oil has been a legend for over 70 years. It is a natural essential oil, which has a plethora of applications in a natural environment. It has been used as a traditional medicine for many years. The incredible numbers of applications of tea tree oil are truly amazing. In the days […]

“Many studies have looked at the effect of vitamin and mineral supplements on disease, but the evidence has never been convincing.  So most experts have hedged on whether to recommend multivitamins for everyone.” https://hms.harvard.edu/…/Longwood_Sem…/Nutrition_3_5_13.pdf “During the past 2 decades, a steady stream of high-quality studies evaluating dietary supplements has yielded predominantly disappointing results about potential […]

October 19, 2016

Doing Your Flu Shot Homework

This is a popular opinion!  What are your thoughts? There are lots of dependable sources to support never getting a flu shot.  The decision was easy for me because my dad had Guillain-Barré seventeen years ago; one of the top four triggers for GB is the flu shot (which he had just before the onset […]

In an article by Ty Bollinger from Truth About Cancer you will learn: Coffee is one of the most popular drinks on the planet. While often used as a stimulate to wake people up (or keep them awake), there are actually health benefits to coffee. A 2008 study led by the Harvard School of Public Health […]

From an article at mercola.com entitled The Link Between Obesity and Cancer –  these main topics to encourage cutting back on sugar are discussed: Processed Food Drives Obesity and Cancer Epidemics Studies Showing Obesity-Cancer Link Your Body Has Limited Ability to Process Sugar Understanding the Sugar-Cancer Connection So how do we cut back?  Dr.Mercola gives an exellent, […]

May 22, 2014

Sinus challenges!

During a six week period the spring of 2013, if you would have asked me what was wrong with me, I would have told you that I had Strep Throat and Bronchitis. Three doctors disagreed and said it was pollen allergies. My GP said that he has had several northerners move to Memphis Metro and evenly […]

Huh? Those words came from one of my teenage sons – the one with the great imagination – in the bedroom down the hall one cold, winter night in January of 1992. He quickly explained that when he got in bed at night, he could feel little pricks down his backside – probably as he curled […]

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