Tag: heart disease

bit.ly/2mBkdeE #PeakPerformance Choices matter!

“Many studies have looked at the effect of vitamin and mineral supplements on disease, but the evidence has never been convincing.  So most experts have hedged on whether to recommend multivitamins for everyone.” https://hms.harvard.edu/…/Longwood_Sem…/Nutrition_3_5_13.pdf “During the past 2 decades, a steady stream of high-quality studies evaluating dietary supplements has yielded predominantly disappointing results about potential […]

June 24, 2013


The Greatest Nutritional Health Discovery Since Vitamins Reduce your chance of dying a sudden death by 45%! Reduce your risk of dying from sudden cardiac death by 90%. Reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 45%-50%. Stay younger longer! Reduce the inflammation and pain of rheumatoid arthritis and the pain of osteoarthritis and other […]